Elk Grove, CA

Overview for Elk Grove, CA

Elk Grove, California: Elk Grove, a suburban gem, offers a blend of residential comfort and modern amenities. Its welcoming neighborhoods and parks create a family-friendly ambiance, while the Elk Grove Commons and Laguna Crossroads provide shopping and entertainment options. With a focus on community engagement and a variety of local events, Elk Grove fosters a sense of togetherness that enriches the lives of its residents.

CountySan Mateo County
Land Area (mi²)7.6 sq mi
Density (mi²)12,850.60/sq mi
Growth Since 2020-6.39% (-6,700)
Zip codes94014, 94015,94017

The current population of Daly City, California is 98,158 based on our projections of the latest US Census estimates (released May 2024). The last official US Census in 2020 recorded the population at 104,858.

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