Overview for Davis, CA
Davis, California: Davis, a quintessential college town, radiates a youthful spirit and a strong sense of community. Home to the University of California, Davis, the city embodies an intellectual atmosphere and a passion for sustainability. Biking-friendly streets, vibrant local markets, and a lively downtown contribute to its distinctive character. Davis' commitment to education, culture, and environmental consciousness makes it a haven for both students and residents alike.
9.9 sq mi
Land Area
Average Income
0.21% (141)
Growth Rate
State | California |
County | San Mateo County |
Land Area (mi²) | 7.6 sq mi |
Density (mi²) | 12,850.60/sq mi |
Growth Since 2020 | -6.39% (-6,700) |
Zip codes | 94014, 94015,94017 |
The current population of Daly City, California is 98,158 based on our projections of the latest US Census estimates (released May 2024). The last official US Census in 2020 recorded the population at 104,858.